TLC Rescue Plan Grants to Individuals


Recovery Funds for Artists

Applications for Cycle 4 of the Toledo Lucas County Rescue Plan Grants for Individual Artists will open on February 17 and close on March 9 by 11:59pm.

Please note: All notifications are sent to the email address provided in your application. Be sure to check your spam and junk email folders if you are not receiving communications.

Grant Program Overview

The Arts Commission is administering a grant program through the Toledo and Lucas County Rescue Plan Grants to artists within Lucas County and the City of Toledo. Grants are funded through American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds from Lucas County and the City of Toledo.

The Arts Commission’s Toledo Lucas County Rescue Plan Grant for Individual Artists offers financial support for local artists whose creative practices have been impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Eligible categories of support are limited to

*Facilities costs

*COVID-related health and safety costs

*Project support for paying other artists

*Materials and supplies

*Marketing and promotion costs related to your creative practice

Grants will be awarded in the amounts of $1500, $2500, and $5000. (The grants are subject to change based on the recommendation of the grant panel.)

Review Process

Applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of an Arts Commission board member and representatives from the performing, literary, and visual arts communities, along with The Arts Commission’s Chief Executive and Operating Officers serving as ex-officio members. Grants are given at the sole discretion of The Arts Commission. Assuming that an application meets eligibility requirements, the committee will assess the perceived need, artistic merit, and impact on the artist’s career.

Eligible Applicants

Individual artists with a residence or a creative studio within the city of Toledo or within Lucas County.

Note: Artists who are part of an artist collective must apply individually.

Artists who can demonstrate a sustained commitment to their practice and a public audience.

Artists who have satisfactorily completed required reporting related to funding received through the 2022-2024 Toledo Lucas County Rescue Plan Grants, 2021 Toledo Lucas County Grants to Individual Artists (TLCARG), 2020 Emergency Funds, 2017-2024 Accelerator Grants, and 2017-2024 Merit Awards, if applicable.

Artists who received funding in prior cycles of the Toledo Lucas County Rescue Plan Grant to Individuals are all eligible to apply for the fourth cycle.

Artists can also receive different grants in the same year (i.e. An artist can receive an TLCRPG Grant, Accelerator Grant and Merit Award in the same year if they fit the other grants eligibility criteria, applied, and were selected.)

Ineligible Applicants

Artists currently employed by The Arts Commission or serving as members of The Arts Commission’s Board of Trustees are NOT eligible for Toledo Lucas County Rescue Plan Grant for Individual Artists.

Contact Information

For all inquiries about this grant opportunity for individual artists, please contact Liz Bayan at

Financial support for artists in Toledo and Lucas County.